Astrazeneca StepUp Young Health Global Grants Program 2020

The AstraZeneca Young Health Global Grants Program, “Step Up”, funds non-profit and charitable organizations looking to innovate in relation to the health and wellbeing of young people.

They aim to:

  • Have a positive impact on the young people involved in the programs that we support and the communities that they serve
  • Learn about what really works in youth health promotion
  • Increase a wider understanding of health and wellbeing initiatives for young people

And to generate:

  • Case studies and other evidence of promising approaches
  • Opportunities for future collaboration and investment

Astrazeneca StepUp Young Health Global Grants Program is seeking grant applications for projects which:

  • Take place in under-resourced and marginalized communities
  • Address the health needs of young people aged 10-30, and/or be youth-led
  • Are focused on health promotion
  • Show innovation in approach, settings, or implementation
  • Can provide evidence at the conclusion of the project of what has been delivered, as well as outcomes and what has been learned
  • Can be completed within 12 months of grant payment (ideally by March 2022).

They are acutely aware of the likely effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on organizations that they would like to support and the communities that they serve. They are particularly open to supporting non-profits that are finding new ways of working with this ‘new normal’ and to projects that link COVID-19 and the prevention of NCDs.




StepUp! provides grants of up to US$10,000 to help small, innovative, youth-focused, and youth-led non-profits to deliver health promotion messages effectively in under-resourced and marginalized communities worldwide, taking account of the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • The fund is open to registered NGOs and non-profit charitable organizations managing youth-focused projects for health promotion or NCD prevention.
  • Organizations must be ‘funding-ready’ and able to provide appropriate documentation to verify their charitable status and financial situation.
  • Organizations that have been funded previously by AstraZeneca are welcome to apply, but not for the same project that was previously supported.

Eligible Regions: Open for all

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