Enterprise Singapore Energy Innovation Challenge 2020 ($1M Fund support)

Are you ready to take on a challenge by using the best technology and a unique approach?

Over the past century, the energy sector has been one of the significant contributors of industrial growth, fuelling our rapidly growing global economy.  Singapore has developed an extensive and integrated value chain that spans refining, crackers, petrochemicals, and specialty chemicals manufacturing that is supported by R&D and innovation. The demand in Asia for energy, chemicals, and products with specialty chemical components will remain strong over the next 5 years.

Enterprise Singapore (ESG), in association with energy company partners, government agencies, and innovators, is launching The Energy Open Innovation Challenge with the mission of boosting innovation in the global energy industry.


Successful entries will be eligible for several of the following prizes:


DEADLINE: November 6, 2020

To apply and more information visit here

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