Ghana President’s Salary: Full Details (2022)

The President of Ghana is also referred to as the first citizen of Ghana. This means that he is the head of the Ghanaian government and the Commander-In-Chief of the Ghanaian Armed Forces.

Because of how influential this position is, many people want to find out how much is earned monthly. Hardly is the salary of the president of a country revealed. It took a lot of research to get this information.

Ghana President’s Salary: Full Details.

In this post, we will share with you what the Ghanaian President earns. We will also provide you a lot of information regarding this position so grab a seat and some coffee.

Ghana President’s Salary

It is not strange to search for how much the President of a country earns. So if you are in Ghana and you seek this piece of information, you are not out of line.

The current President of Ghana is Nana Akufo-Addo. He was born in Accra in 1944. At the time, Ghana was known as the Gold Coast.

So how much does he earn? This is a comprehensive breakdown of how much the President of Ghana earns:

  • Daily: GHC1,342.31
  • Weekly: GHC6,711.54
  • Monthly: GHC29,083.33
  • Yearly: GHC349,000.000

Having learned this, let’s get a bit more information about the President of Ghana.

Eligibility requirements

Just like for every position, there are several requirements that a person must meet to be eligible for this position. In fact, to be the President of a country, the requirements are more stringent.

In Ghana, a section of the 1992 Constitution is dedicated to discussing the requirements of eligibility to become a Ghanaian President. This is stated in Chapter 8 of Article 62 and it presents that for anyone to run for this position:

  • The individual has to be a citizen of Ghana by birth.
  • He/she must be forty years old or more.
  • The individual has to be qualified to be a part of the parliament.

This is just a summary of the eligibility requirements. To learn more about this, you have to read the Ghanaian Constitution.

Duties and Powers of the Ghanaian President

The same chapter of the constitution mentioned above also states the powers and duties of the President of Ghana. Let’s take a brief look at the duties of the President below:

  • He/she must uphold the Ghanaian constitution.
  • The individual must exercise executive authority.
  • The president must preserve the safety and homeland of Ghana.

Furthermore, these are the powers the President of Ghana wields:

  • He/she leads the executive arm of the Ghanaian government.
  • The President is the commander-in-chief of the Ghanaian military/armed forces.
  • The individual can declare war.
  • He/she has the ability to hold a referendum to discuss issues regarding national importance.
  • The President can issue executive orders.
  • He/she can present medals of honor to individuals for their service to Ghana.
  • The individual can issue a pardon to previously sentenced individuals.
  • The President can declare a state of emergency to any part of the nation or the nation as a whole. He/she can also suspend every law of State or enact a new State of Martial law.

Along with these, the Ghanaian President has several more powers. Some of these include:

  • He/she can on behalf of the country establish new treaties, conventions, and agreements.
  • The President can take on emergency powers in the situation of severe internal or external turmoil. This is necessary to maintain national security as well as peace and order. He/she can also do this in the situation of economic crises or threats to national security.

Despite all of this, the President can still be removed from office. The terms of removal are stated in Chapter 8, Section 69 of the Ghanaian Constitution.

Who is the current President of Ghana?

We have already told you the name of the current President of Ghana above. In this section, we will provide you a bit more information in this section.

The current Ghanaian President is Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. He was born on 29, March 1944 and became president in January 2017. Addo has not been far from the government as he has served Ghana in other capacities before now.

In 2001, he became the Attorney General of Ghana, a position which he held until 2003. Immediately after this, he became Minister for Foreign Affairs under the then administration led by Kufuor. Nana Addo had run twice for president before he finally won, first in 2008 and then in 2012.

The name of his wife, who is the first lady of Ghana is Rebecca Akufo-Addo. She is the daughter of the former Speaker of the Ghanaian Parliament, Jacob Hackenburg Griffiths-Randolph. Together, the couple has five daughters Gyankroma Funmi Akufo-Addo, Edwina Nana Douka Akufo-Addo, Adriana Dukua Akufo-Addo, Yeboakua Akufo-Addo, and Valerie Obaze.


In this post, you have learned about the Ghana President’s salary. Along with this, you have learned some information about the current President of Ghana. With this information, you can decide whether you want to become President of Ghana or not.

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