Ghana’s Issues with Digital Registration of Businesses

Ghana is one of the fastest-growing economies in Africa, with a vibrant private sector and a conducive business environment. However, many entrepreneurs and investors face challenges when it comes to registering their businesses online, which is a crucial step for formalizing and operating a business legally.

According to the World Bank’s Doing Business 2020 report, Ghana ranks 118th out of 190 countries in terms of ease of starting a business, with an average of 14 days and six procedures required to register a business. This is significantly higher than the sub-Saharan Africa average of 9 days and 5.2 procedures.

According to the same report, countries with easier business registration processes tend to have higher levels of entrepreneurship and more formalized businesses. This can lead to increased economic growth and job creation.

Current Challenges of Ghana’s Online Registration System

One of the main obstacles to online business registration in Ghana is the lack of awareness and accessibility of the online portal of the Registrar General’s Department (RGD), which is responsible for registering all types of businesses in Ghana.

The RGD launched its online portal in 2017, with the aim of simplifying and streamlining the registration process, reducing costs and delays, and improving transparency and accountability.

However, many users are either unaware of the existence of the online portal or face difficulties in accessing and using it. Some of the common issues reported by users include:

  • Lack of adequate information and guidance on how to use the online portal and fill out the required forms
  • Technical glitches and errors that prevent users from completing or submitting their applications
  • Lack of feedback and follow-up from the RGD on the status and progress of their applications

These issues not only discourage potential users from registering their businesses online, but also undermine their trust and confidence in the online system.

As a result, many users still prefer to register their businesses manually, which involves visiting the physical premises of the RGD, filling out paper forms, paying cash, and waiting for long periods.

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