Her Abilities Awards 2020 for Women with Disabilities

Her Abilities is the first global award honouring women with disabilities who have achieved greatness in their life or field of work. It is a pioneering initiative, launched in 2018 by Light for the World along with Right Livelihood Award winner Yetnebersh Nigussie.

Women with disabilities are one of the most marginalized groups globally. Their leadership potential and contributions are so often ignored. Her Abilities aims to tell those stories which are too seldom told. By highlighting the achievements of women with disabilities, the Award aims to celebrate success; break down barriers in public perception, and build a strong network of women committed to the further pursuit of equality and excellence.

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Her Abilities will award the achievements of women with disabilities globally from the following three categories:

  • Health & Education: Women with disabilities from the health or education sector.
  • Rights: Women with disabilities from the advocacy and rights sector, who advocate for the rights of people with disabilities and their inclusion.
  • Arts, Culture & Sports: Women with disabilities from the arts, culture, and sports sectors.


The benefits for the winners are:

  • They will join a celebrated network of other successful women who commit to finding opportunities to support each other in their further pursuit of justice, equality, and excellence.
  • Light for the World will open their networks and will try to ensure speaking opportunities for the winners.
  • Light for the World’s communications team will promote the winners’ stories via media and online work, ensuring they and their projects get more of the public attention they deserve.
  • They will receive a certificate and a physical award.


  • Everyone is eligible to nominate except members of the jury.
  • Women with disabilities from the age of 18 can be nominated.
  • Nominees must fit into one of the three categories mentioned above.

Eligible Regions: Open for All

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