HouseAfrica Receives Adaverse Funding to Expand Its Blockchain-Based Land Registration Solution.

Adaverse is a joint effort between EMURGO Africa and Everest Ventures Group. It is a venture capital company that has invested in a real estate technology company called HouseAfrica.

HouseAfrica uses blockchain technology to make owning land easier for African people. Other well-known investors also put money into this round of funding to help HouseAfrica grow and move into new markets.

With this funding, HouseAfrica can expand its business and connect its solutions to Cardano. This third-generation blockchain will make land registration and property ownership in Africa more secure and efficient.

Adaverse is committed to helping fintech companies that build Web3 platforms to help emerging economies grow in a digitally relevant way. HouseAfrica is a unique way to solve the problems of owning African property. 

Adaverse is dedicated to helping fintech companies that build Web3 platforms to help developing economies grow in a digitally relevant way. HouseAfrica is an innovative solution to the problems of having property in Africa. 

The market for real estate in Africa is growing and changing quickly. It is worth $15 trillion right now, and by 2028, it is projected to be worth $20 trillion. Even though countries and areas grow differently, problems still need to be fixed, such as high transaction costs, limited access to financing, and unclear land ownership.

These things have made it harder for people in the diaspora to invest in Africa’s real estate market. HouseAfrica wants to solve these problems using blockchain technology, and its new and creative features are meant to create a safe way to own land.

Sytemap is the most crucial offering from HouseAfrica. It is an ecosystem platform that uses blockchain and satellite maps to make land transactions more trustworthy and clear. The tool makes buying and processing land easier for buyers, lawyers, real estate companies, and agents. 

It also gives digital realtors the power to protect their reputations and offers real estate companies a competitive edge, making the sales process 50% less stressful.

Nnamdi Uba, CEO and Co-Founder of HouseAfrica talked about how blockchain can be used. He said that intermediaries, extortion, duplicate land titles, lack of trust, proof of ownership, and privacy complicate many African real estate markets.

He also said that HouseAfrica is using Web3 and blockchain to ensure that data can’t be changed and to eliminate duplicate rights. Through its Sytemap tool, HouseAfrica can record the information about landowners and proof of land allocation as NFTs, which have a unique identifier and can’t be changed.

HouseAfrica plans to use the money it just raised to improve its blockchain infrastructure. By the end of the fourth quarter, it wants to move to the Cardano platform fully. 

With a focus on asset tokenization and NFT minting, integrating HouseAfrica’s innovative solutions with Cardano’s scalable and interoperable blockchain technology is expected to create a secure and efficient property registry system that anyone with an internet connection can easily use.

This strategic move shows that the company is committed to using cutting-edge technology to change how real estate is bought and sold in Africa and make land deals clear and reliable.

With a focus on asset tokenization and NFT minting, HouseAfrica’s solutions will let anyone with an internet link access a safe and effective property registry system. HouseAfrica is dedicated to using cutting-edge technology to change how people buy and sell land in Africa and make the process clear and trustworthy.

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