How PeakU’s AI-powered recruiting platform is shaking up the HR business.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how companies find and hire top talent in a big way. Traditional ways of looking for candidates through applicant tracking systems (ATS) are no longer enough to keep up with the shift toward remote work.

This is where PeakU comes in. Santiago González and Juan Pablo Isaza started PeakU in 2020. It is a startup that offers an all-in-one platform that combines traditional applicant tracking systems (ATS) with its own technical, cognitive, and personality tests.

The PeakU platform gives companies the tools to manage and pay international talent in any country. The company’s secret weapon is its machine-learning algorithm, which has been used much more since it started.

With more AI-powered tools being used in recruitment, and talent management, the HR industry is going through a big change.

According to a report by Markets and Markets, the global market for AI in HR will grow from $1.2 billion in 2019 to $9.5 billion in 2024 at a rate of 44.8% per year.

PeakU is at the front of this trend and is the only place you can see information about your skills and CV.

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