ISWA YPG Blog Writing Competition 2020 – “Impacts and opportunities from COVID-19″

The International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) Young Professionals Group (YPG) calls on young professionals and students from around the world to create a blog post exploring how COVID-19 exposed fragilities and strengths of waste management worldwide. Take part to win the publication at Waste Management World Magazine and win a yearly ISWA membership. Apply for the ISWA YPG Blog Writing Competition 2020.

The theme of this year’s competition, ‘Impacts and opportunities from COVID-19’, is a challenge for all of us to join the ongoing discussion aimed at improving waste and resource management –  minimize waste generation, improve resilience and unveil the excellence of the ground workforce.

This Blog Writing competition fits perfectly with the ISWA YPG’s 2020 flagship project #TheFaceBehindMyWaste which is a global campaign to celebrate the people who collect waste all around the world. Increasing knowledge on the conditions of people working in waste during COVID-19 pandemic and get their ideas about how to prevent waste generation and improve collection and separation.

Bloggers are challenged to envision how individuals, communities, waste management companies, municipalities and government can increase the resilience of the waste sector and share best practices.

Entries should be original, engaging, passionate, and no longer than 600 words. Participants can increase their chances of winning by promoting their posts on social media, as the resonance of blogs will be considered by the judges.




  • 1st winner – Blog publication at Waste Management World magazine and ISWA website – blog section. A two-year individual ISWA membership (worth up to €400)
  • 2nd winner – a one-year individual ISWA membership (worth up to €200)
  • 3rd Winner – a one-year individual ISWA membership (worth up to €200)


  • Entries must be in English. Writing should be concise and correct. British or American spelling is accepted if used consistently throughout the post.
  • Entrants must be between 18 and 35 years of age.
  • Entries must be submitted by the author and not on someone else’s behalf.
  • Each entrant may only submit one blog post.
  • The blog post must be original.
  • All sources must be cited using either APA or Chicago style.
  • It is not a requirement to be a member of ISWA. However, participants (especially those who are considering a career in the waste industry) are encouraged to join ISWA to access invaluable benefits and support to progress in their careers. Discounted participation rates to ISWA events and Congresses are available to students.

Eligible Regions: Open for all

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