Jospong Group marks 10yrs of Annual Leadership Conference with praises to God.

The goal of the Jospong Group of Companies (JGC) is to improve the lot of people, the Executive Chairman of JGC, Dr. Joseph Siaw Agyepong, has stated.

According to him, though money is important in the running of businesses, “JGC is not here for money but to improve the lives of people.”

He attributed the success story of the group to God, adding that God has been his guide and pillar throughout JGC’s journey.

The JGC, he contended, is founded on the principles of God and people, stressing that the group’s “primary goal is to improve the lives of people.”

Dr. Siaw Agyepong was speaking at the opening of the 2023 Jospong Leadership Conference (JLC) on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at the Pentecost Convention Centre (PCC) at Gomoa Fetteh in the Central Region.

The five-day conference, which is being participated by over 1,000 directors, managers, senior officers among other staff members of JGC, is on the theme: People, Process & Performance –The Pathway to Success in a Turbulent Market.”

This year’s conference marks the 10th anniversary of the JLC series.

The event was interspersed with songs of praise to God for how far He has brought JGC, which the participants dancing in appreciation to God.

There were also some colourful cultural displays by some of the subsidiaries of JGC, which attracted loud applause from the participants.

Dr. Siaw Agyepong indicated that throughout his business life, he has consistently seen that the God factor triumphs over all challenges adding “I am always grateful to God.”

“When I face any challenges, I go down on my knees with my wife and pray and God has been so good to us.
We feel so blessed by God Almighty,” he gratefully expressed.

The mission of the JGC, he said, is to be the leading environmental sanitation management company in Africa, with its vision aimed at “improving the lives of people and their environment.”

In this regard, he encouraged his staff members to be prayerful in all endeavours, and to work hard to improve the lot of people.

Recounting how far the JLC has come since its inception in 2013, the Executive Chairman of JGC said the leadership conference started as retreats.

“It is amazing how time flies. Ten years ago, specifically in 2013, we started this journey in the form of retreats at the Presbyterian Women’s Centre, Abokobi, Accra. The first retreat was held in January with the theme: “Seeking God’s guidance on the perfect will of God”, and the second in July under the theme; “Let’s Build Together.”

…The objective was to discuss our plans and activities for the year. It was attended by many employees and stakeholders from all over the country. And the keynote speaker was the then Managing Director for Stanbic Bank, Chief Alhassan Andani,” he recalled.

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