Ministry of Innovation and Technology and the Internet Society have signed a new agreement to boost the digital economy the digital economy in Ethiopia

Ethiopia’s Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MINT) and the Internet Society have established a new partnership that will aid in the advancement of the digital economy and economic change the digital economy in Ethiopia.

Ethiopia’s government unveiled its digital transformation strategy last year, with the goal of harnessing digital technology to promote development and growth for all citizens.

The MINT and the Internet Society’s collaboration will aid in the implementation of this strategy, which will assist the country in developing digital services to progress critical industries.

The agreement will also aid in the expansion of Internet connections to rural regions, the development of Internet infrastructure, and the strengthening of Internet governance.

His Excellency Dr. Ahmedin Mohammed, State Minister for Innovation and Technology, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and Dr. Dawit Bekele, Regional Vice President – Africa, Internet Society, signed the agreement at the Ministry of Innovation and Technology during the Advanced Data Science and Visualization training.

“The Ethiopian Government has established the Digital Transformation of the national economy as one of its strategic priorities,” Dr. Ahmedin remarked during the ceremony.

To achieve this, the government launched the first-ever Digital Transformation Strategy, which serves as a visionary umbrella strategy from which sectors and institutions can design or align their efforts.” “The Digital 2025 plan has a goal to see digital transformation playing a major role for inclusive prosperity; innovating and using digital era culture, practices, procedures, and technology to answer to people’ heightened expectations,” the State Minister continued.

“This approach will be achieved via the engagement and commitment of all stakeholders, including the government, non-governmental organizations, development partners, and societies,” he added.

The strategy calls for a strong commitment to expanding infrastructure, enabling systems, digital applications, and the ecosystem that supports them.”

“This collaboration takes place at a time when Ethiopia is liberalizing its telecommunications sector in order to improve infrastructure. Dr. Dawit Bekele explained, “We signed this agreement to enhance rural connection and ensure that everyone in Ethiopia benefits from the digital transformation.”

The Internet Society is committed to assisting Ethiopia in realizing its goal of a digital economy that is inclusive through the Digital Ethiopia 2025 Strategy.

The collaboration is in line with the Internet Society’s objectives to support the growth and usage of the Internet as a tool to improve people’s lives.

It recently collaborated with the Ministry to host Ethiopia’s first-ever Internet Development conference and school of Internet Governance. Currently, the internet society is collaborating with the Ministry of Communications in Ethiopia to prepare for the World Telecommunication Development Conference, as well as organizing trainings on advanced topics including data science, blockchain, and the Internet of Things.

The Internet Society is also collaborating with Ethiopia to help young men and women learn how to design, deploy, and operate local area networks in the Awi zone of the Amhara Regional State, as well as in Bahr Dar. The alliance will allow for even more impactful work in Ethiopia, as well as assisting the country in leapfrogging into the digital society

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