One Young Peaceful Futures Scholarship : Supported by Citizens of Our Planet

Violence among young people is a global emergency with impacts on public health, human rights, and economic prosperity. An estimated 200,000 10–29 year-olds are victims of homicide each year, accounting for 42% of total victims. This statistic is just one aspect of a broader spectrum of violence committed by and against young people including bullying, sexual assault, and serious physical and psychological injury with life-long consequences.

Tackling this crisis requires a broad-based approach that both mitigates the immediate consequences of violence and addresses the root causes of the issue. It is essential that young people’s lived experiences play a central role in the creation and implementation of these solutions.

The Peaceful Futures Scholarship has been established to identify and amplify the voices of young leaders who undertake exemplary work to end youth violence and create a peaceful future for their peers and subsequent generations.

Peaceful Futures Scholars will participate in the One Young World Summit 2022 in Tokyo, Japan. During the Summit, they will hear and be heard by peers from 190+ countries as well as senior political, business, and humanitarian leaders.

Following the Summit Scholars will join the One Young World Ambassador community of 13,000 plus young leaders in 190+ countries. Between Summits, the One Young World Community participates in an ongoing program of opportunities including caucuses, funding, peer-to-peer mentoring, media exposure, and speaking engagements.

In addition, scholars will be invited to play an ongoing role in the Citizens of our Planet’s ongoing efforts to tackle violence as members of the organization’s steering committee on the subject. Citizens of Our Planet is a 501(c3) foundation by Chili Piper, founded on the belief that we are all connected and citizens of the same world. The foundation will fund and create programs united by three main themes: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; World Peace and Ending Violence.



*Most delegates are between the age of 18 and 30. The One Young World team will consider applications from those who are older than 30, pending demonstration of appropriate personal impact, initiative, and willingness to engage. They are not able to accept applications from those who will be aged under 18 at the time of the Summit.Eligible Regions: Open for All


Application Deadline: November 25, 2021 (3 Days Remaining)


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