Sas Fiction Contest 2020/21 ($500 and Publication)


Application calls for Sas Fiction Contest 2020/21

The winner will be selected from this year’s submissions of original, unpublished short stories between 3,000 and 7,000 words with LGBT content on the broad theme of “Saints and Sinners.”


One grand prize of $500 and two second-place prizes of $100 will be awarded. In addition, the top stories will be published in an anthology from Bold Strokes Books. There will also be a book release party and reading held during the 18th annual Saints and Sinners Literary Conference in New Orleans in 2021. A list of the top ten finalists will be posted on our website and in the e-newsletter.


  • The annual Sas Fiction Contest is open to authors at all stages of their careers, from all over the globe, with stories in all genres.
  • Only previously unpublished stories will be accepted.
  • Stories that won this contest in previous years are ineligible; their authors remain eligible but must submit new work.
  • Stories submitted to this contest in previous years that did not place in the top ten are eligible.
  • Stories that have won any other writing contests are ineligible.
  • Stories that do not adhere to the guidelines below will be disqualified. Please review our guidelines carefully.


  • Submissions should be in English, standard manuscript format (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times or Times New Roman or similar font).
  • Do not double space between paragraphs. Use indent.
  • Please include a word count on the first page under the title.
  • Your name and contact information must NOT appear on the manuscript.
  • No bios or resumes. The contest only considers manuscript quality.
  • Word Count: 3,000 to 7,000.
  • Submit only original, unpublished short stories.
  • Please spell-check and review your submission for typos. Excessive typos may disqualify your submission.
  • Theme (interpret as you wish): Saints and Sinners

Entry fee

The entry fee for the Sas Fiction Contest is $20 per story. There is no limit on the number of stories each author may enter.


October 1, 2020 (postmark). Submissions for the 12th Annual Contest are now open.

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