Sasol Women in Engineering Incubator Programme

Are you a South African woman founder with an engineering business looking to take it to the next level? Apply now for the Sasol Women in Engineering Incubator Programme. This year-long in-person and virtual programme will provide you with leadership development and intensive entrepreneurial support for your growth in the engineering and technology industries. Engineering businesses create a better economy and future for all. The Sasol Women in Engineering Incubator Programme, powered by WomHub is designed for the development and growth of South African women owned businesses in the SMME (Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise) space. The Sasol Women In Engineering Incubator Programme will run from March 2022 – March 2023 for fifteen (15) qualifying South African women entrepreneurs. The programme includes access to WomHub’s unique innovation and co-working space in Johannesburg, live master classes, one-on-one venture clinics and in-person working sessions.


  • Technical engineering expertise to support commercialisation and scale
  • Personal development awareness and insights
  • Practical tools for business development and growth
  • One-on-one business financial coaching for developing SMMEs


  •  Applicant must be over the age of 18 and identify as a woman
  • Applicant must be of South African nationality
  • Applicant must have founded/co-founded a business currently based in South Africa and considered as an SMME. In co-founded businesses, the lead applicant must be a woman and a citizen of South Africa
  • Applicant business can be any product, technology, or service within the engineering and technology industry
  • Applicant must be able to commit to the year-long programme commencing in March 2022 to March 2023

DEADLINE: March 10 2022

To apply and for more information visit here

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