The Netherlands Education Group MBA Scholarship

The Netherlands Education Group offers top-quality education that will allow you to get knowledge and skills that are essential for today’s labour market! In addition to theoretical blocks, a large part of the program is dedicated to personal and soft skills development. You will understand better your strengths and weaknesses and will develop teamwork and leadership skills. Thanks to career counselling from professionals you will be able to orient better in the world of jobs and find the one that suits you the most. The substantial element of the program is practical work. You will be working with companies to find solutions for the actual problems of modern business.


  • The Netherlands Education Group offers top-quality education that will allow you to get knowledge and skills that are essential for today’s labour market! In addition to theoretical blocks, a large part of the program is dedicated to personal and soft skills development.
  • Scholarships will be provided to those who want to receive business education and build a global career. 
  • The program will allow you to learn more about international business and start an international career! 


You are welcome to apply if you are:

  • Able to follow an online course for the period of 12 months.
  • Willing to acquire new knowledge and skills that will help you to contribute to the development of your community.

DEADLINE: December 31, 2021.

To apply and for more information visit here

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