USAID Open Call for Sustaining Prevention, Care and Support Services for Orphans & Vulnerable Children in Zimbabwe

The United States Agency for International Development in Zimbabwe (USAID/Zimbabwe) is seeking applications from qualified Zimbabwe entities to implement the activity “Sustaining Prevention, Care and Support Services for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Zimbabwe” in six cluster sites in Zimbabwe. The goal of the Activity is to improve health, safety, education and stability outcomes for orphans and other vulnerable children, adolescents, and youth affected and infected by HIV in Zimbabwe.


  • Award Ceiling: $80,000,000
  • Award Floor: $4,144,862


  • Applications should be from qualified local, Zimbabwean entities, such as private, nonprofit organizations (or for-profit companies willing to forego profits), including private voluntary organizations, universities, research organizations, professional associations, and relevant special interest associations.
  • In accordance with ADS 303.6 USAID defines a “local entity” as an individual, a corporation, a nonprofit organization, or another body of persons that:
    • Is legally organized under the laws of the recipient country; and
    • Has as its principal place of business or operations in the recipient country; and
    • Is majority owned by individuals who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of the recipient country; and
    • Is managed by a governing body the majority of who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of the country receiving assistance.

DEADLINE: June 23, 2022

To apply and for more information visit here

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