Digital Africa Social & Inclusive Business BootCamp 2020

The SIBC is a blended-learning support program which includes:

  • 4 months of remote coaching on a dedicated online platform offering training courses and interactive virtual classes hosted by international mentors
  • 1 tailored mentoring program for each entrepreneur
  • 1 week of intensive boot camp in Marseille in partnership with the EMERGING Valley Summit
  • Being part of an active and ambitious international community

Key learning units

  • Leadership: defining better your purpose and mission, structuring your governance, and organizing your teams for successful growth
  • Scale up: adapting your business model and building your scale up strategy to maximize your impact and create a worldwide network of partners and growth drivers
  • Investment Readiness: identifying your financing needs, understanding investor expectations, and preparing to raise funds
  • Impact: measuring your social impact, with regard to the Sustainable Development Goals


  • The pedagogical program, valued at 10,000 euros, allows you to address the different elements of a scale-up in order to succeed in yours.
  • Many mentors will be mobilized to support you.
  • The teaching fees are free.
  • Meal expenses are paid by the AFD during the programme.


  • Be a legally registered social enterprise with a minimum of 3 years of activity and a turnover
  • Provide evidence of a positive societal impact in Africa and an innovative approach
  • Provide evidence of a balanced business model or a medium-term profitability objective
  • Provide a strategy for scaling up, including a reflection on governance and leadership

The following will not be eligible:

  • Individual applications
  • Non-profit organisations without a business model or profitability objective
  • Public and para-public bodies.

DEADLINE: July 15 2020

To apply and for more information visit here

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